Case Study

Petroleum Services Company in Ghana and Nigeria


The petroleum services company operates in Ghana and Nigeria, providing professional consulting, project development, project structuring, financing, and project management services in infrastructure development. Their services focus on the entire project cycle, from concept to financial closing, turnkey hand-over, and operations and maintenance (O&M) services.

The government of Ghana contracted the company to provide project development services for a new oil refinery. The project involved a significant investment of capital and was crucial for Ghana’s energy security.


The project involved a significant investment of capital and was crucial for Ghana’s energy security.

Project Financing

The project required a significant amount of capital investment, and the company needed to secure financing from banks and other financial institutions.

Local Content

The government of Ghana mandated that the project must have a significant local content component, which meant that the company needed to identify and engage local contractors and suppliers.

Regulatory Compliance

The company had to navigate complex regulatory requirements in both Ghana and Nigeria, which required a deep understanding of the local laws and regulations.


The company developed a comprehensive project plan that addressed the challenges they faced.

Project Financing

The company approached several banks and financial institutions to secure financing for the project. They were able to secure funding from a consortium of local and international banks.

Local Content

The company engaged with local contractors and suppliers to provide services and materials for the project and implemented a local training program to upskill the local workforce with the necessary expertise to work on the project.

Regulatory Compliance

The company hired local legal and regulatory experts to navigate the complex regulatory environment and ensure that they were compliant with all regulations.


The project was completed on time and within budget, and the company successfully delivered on its mandate. The oil refinery was operational and contributed significantly to Ghana’s energy security. The success of the project helped to establish the company as a leader in infrastructure development in Ghana and Nigeria. The company continued to work with the government and other clients in the region, providing professional consulting, project development, project structuring, financing, and project management services.